Getting everyone on the same (virtual) page - Procore adoption in Civil and Infrastructure companies

May 22, 2024, 8:30 – 9:30 PM (UTC)

Civil & Infrastructure

What are the unique challenges and opportunities that Civil and Infrastructure contractors face for increasing (and sustaining) adoption of Procore

51 RSVPs

About this event

In this session, we'll talk about adoption. What are the unique challenges and assets of Civil and Infrastructure contractors when trying to build and sustain adoption of Procore.

Some potential areas to cover are:

1. Building adoption among badge employees and how that differs from strategies for subcontractors,

2. Complexities for companies with union employees,

3. Ways to leverage success in field modules (like observations) to enhance adoption of project-management functions,

4. The different roles of project managers, superintendents, and foremen in getting buy-in for Procore tools,

5. How adoption changes when adding a new module or plug-in (compared to launching the first time).

After the meeting, we will post an anonymized list of tips! As with all Civil Infrastructure meetings, we will not record the session so everyone can speak freely,



Wednesday, May 22, 2024
8:30 PM – 9:30 PM (UTC)


8:30 PMIntroductions
8:40 PMDiscussion
9:20 PMWrap-up

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  • Adam Krob

    Boh Bros. Construction

    Director of Information Technology

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